STEP 1: Assessment of the floor
STEP 2: Surface Preparation.
STEP 3: Application of Ressi EPO Crack Fill.
STEP 4: Finishing of the surface.
Generally, floors go through a lot of wear and tear throughout their useful life. It is not unusual for hair line cracks to be developed on many of these floors from time to time. Ressichem has an ideal solution for the filling
of these cracks of cementitious floors. There are a few easy steps to assess the possibility of crack filling and floor repair (if any)
For all cementitious floors it is essential to evaluate the nature of the cracks & the repairing which is required over the floor. If there are hollow sounds on the floor & it has been de-bonded from the base RCC concrete it is recommended to completely remove the flooring & redo the entire works as crack filling of these floors may provide temporary relief & not be a permanent solution to the problem. If there are just minor cracks & the floor itself is solid, there is a long-term repair option in the form of Ressi EPO Crack Fill which will enhance the life of the cemented floor.
Once the relative cracks have been identified over the floor it is essential to prepare the floor for the subsequent treatments of Flooring Epoxy Crack Fillers. If the hair line cracks are less then 2mm wide, it is recommended to slightly open the cracks using a chisel hammer or any other appropriate tools. Once the cracks have been opened, it is recommended to clean all the loose debris from the floor and cleaning the cracks with a wet brush and some water. Once it has been clean make sure that the floor itself is dry.
Cleaning of the surface is essential as poor cleaning may result in the debonding of the crack fillers applied on the surface resulting in even bigger cracks. It is also essential to make sure that the floor surface is free from any dust, oil, grease, laitance, or any other material which may result in the debonding of the crack fllling material.
Once the crack has been opened and proper surface has been prepared, the surface is ready to take in the subsequent crack flling of Ressi EPO Crack Fill .
Ressi EPO Crack Fill is a three-component epoxy-based crack filler. It contains Base Resin (Part A), Hardener (Part B) & Filler component (Part C). It is essential that the ratios of the resin & Hardeners should always be consistent (1 part Resin & 0.8 Parts Hardener). The filler ratio can be adjusted as per the requirements of the crack filler. If the cracks are deep (above 4mm in depth), the filler ratio can be adjusted to make the Ressi EPO Crack Fill more flowable so that it can penetrate within the cracks, if the cracks of the floor are less then 4mm deep, the filler ratio can be adjusted to make a putty like paste of Ressi EPO Crack Fill material so that it can easily be applied with a scrapper.
Once the material has been penetrated and the cracks within the floors have been filled, it is recommended to level out the floor using a grinder (Fitted with a scraper cup) or other mechanical means to make the area of the crack filler smooth and consistent and at level with the floor.