Summary of application

STEP 1: Opening of the cracks.

STEP 2: Filling of the hairline crack with Crack Heal 920.

STEP 3: Finishing the walls.

Detailed description

The problems of hair line cracks over plastered surface are quite common during the construction process of a building as well as during the life of the structure. There are several reasons due to which these hair line cracks appear over the plastered surface. These issues may occur due to the minor settlement of the structure during the construction process, or due to poor workman ship during the plastering of the walls at the time of construction. 

Normal wear & tear in existing buildings already occupied can also cause a variety of plaster cracks within the building like the corners of & doors windows with constant use & movement. Ressichem has an easy to apply crack filling solution for hair line nonstructural cracks.

Step 1: Opening of the cracks.

It is recommended to let open of cracks of the walls using a chisel hammer or appropriate tools. Once the cracks have been opened it is recommended to clear the voids of all the debris with a wet brush & water. Once the debris has been cleaned within the crack, make sure that the crack area opened is dry & clean. It is recommended to open the hair line cracks to at least 2mm wide & 2mm deep for proper crack filling applications. Please note if the cracks are over 8mm wide & are on both sides of the wall, please consult a structural engineer for further inspection of the cracks & structure.

Step 2: Crack filling of the hair line crack

For new buildings which are still under construction & uninhabited, Crack Heal 920 is the recommended material for hairline crack applications. Crack Heal 920 is one of the most economical crack filling solution for hair line cracks. Once the cracks have been opened and the surface has been properly prepared, it is recommended to mixCrack Heal 920 with an appropriate amount of water to a putty like consistency and apply it over the cracks with an appropriate scrapper or spatula (For Further mixing instruction please refer to the product technical datasheet).

Step 3: Finishing of the walls

It usually takes Crack Heal 920 2 to 3 days to completely dry out. Once the crack filler has dried out it is recommended to see if there are further cracks appearing within the filling of the crack filler.

In case there are still cracks being evident over the cracks, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of Crack Heal 920 over the dried surface with a scrapper or spatula to cover up the micro cracks.

Once the cracks have been filled & the area is clear it is recommended to paint over the walls matching the color of it so that signs of repairing are not evident


System Summary


A: Plastered Wall
B: Hairline Crack
C: Opening of Hairline Crack
D: Crack Heal 920
E: Finished Wall

Application Animation

Crack Filling Of Hair Line Cracks (New Construction)

Concept Video

Products Used in this System