Step 1: Addition of
Water Guard P 200
in the plinth beam of the boundary wall concrete mix.
Step 2: Application of
Water Guard 5010
over the plinth beam.
Step 3: Addition of
Ressi SBR 5850 and
Silmix in the masonry laying mortar.
Step 4: Addition of
Ressi SBR 5850 and
Silmix in the Plastering / rendering mortar of the boundary wall.
Step 5: Application of
Paint Guard 10,000 C over the plastered surface prior to paint.
Step 6: Painting the surface (if needed).
Boundary walls are one of the most affected areas of any project. One of the core reasons is that boundary walls are most exposed to the elements, weathering effects, ground level rising dampness and on many occasions, planter areas are affecting the boundary walls with rising dampness.
There are a variety of materials which are applied at each step of the boundary wall construction process. For commercial projects there is a need to have the best price to performance ratio. The following system presents not only an economical solution but also one that is durable as well.
Whilst casting the plinth bean it is essential to make sure that a good quality integral waterproofing admixture is mixed with the concrete to minimize the concretes ability to absorb moisture. Water Guard P 200 is the recommended integral waterproofing admixture to be used in the concrete mix in this case to minimize moisture penetration through the plinth beam in commercial project works.
Once the plinth bean has been casted, it is recommended to coat of Water Guard 5010 over the plinth of the boundary walls at all its exposed sides. 2 coats of Water Guard 5010 are recommended in opposite right-angled directions, If the first coat is applied right to left, then the second coat should be applied in top to bottom direction.
It is recommended that all the mortar required for the erecting of the masonry should include a combination of Silmix and Ressi SBR 5850. It is recommended to add 500ml of Ressi SBR 5850 and 500ml of Silmix each for the use of every 50 KG Bag of cement. A masonry mortar made from this combination will ensure that the mortar used for laying the masonry is water resistant and strong.
For plastering, a mortar made from a mix of Silmix and Ressi SBR 5850 is essential. For the plaster mortar use 1 Ltr of Silmix and 1 Ltr of Ressi SBR 5850 , Both should be mixed with the mixing mortar of the plaster / render material of the plaster. A recommended ratio for the plaster of 1:4 (Cement: Sand) is usually recommended in this case.
Note: the curing of the plaster/render is recommended by using a diluted solution of Silmix with Water (1:100) – ( Silmix : Water). This will make the plaster / render surface further resistant to water ingress.
A variety of finishing products, like stones, tiles etc. can be applied over the finished plastered surface of the boundary wall. Ressichem has a variety of products which can be used for the fixing of tiles, stones, and has many products within its decorative plaster range which can be used to finish the boundary wall and structures. In case paint is to be applied over the surface, it is recommended to use Paint Guard 10,000 C over the surface of the boundary wall and then paint over it. There is no requirement of paint primer and putty in case Paint Guard 10,000 C is used. It is recommended to apply this material at a minimum thickness of 2mm over the boundary wall. Paint Guard can be applied using a scrapper or a trowel over the plastered surface of the boundary wall. (Please refer to product technical datasheet for further application guidelines).
Note: One of the most durable and economical finishes can be achieved by simply leaving the Paint Guard 10,000 C exposed on to the external boundary wall surface. The surface of Paint Guard 10,000 C can be protected using Silblock (Water repellent sealer).
New Boundary Walls For commercial Projects
New Boundary Walls For commercial Projects