Ressi Pigmented Hardener
Ressi Pigmented Hardener is a ready to use, streak free, dry shake, colored or concrete grey hardener for use on interior and exterior concrete flatwork.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener
Color Hardener for decorative concrete floors.
This is a ready-to-use, streak-free, dry shake, colored or concrete grey hardener for use on interior and exterior concrete flatwork.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener has been specially formulated for ease of application and integration on to suitably prepared and freshly laid concrete slabs.
It has a variety of uses, including the creation of stamped or imprinted concrete, decorative interior of retail, commercial and industrial floors.
Where Pigmented Hardener is used to create the look of stone, slate, brick, or tile by the stamping process, it should be used in conjunction with Ressi Powder Release and Ressichem sealers following the manufacturer's recommendations.
Pigmented Hardener is produced from an exclusive mix design incorporating quartz aggregates, OPC, light and shade resistant natural and synthetic oxides and other proprietary admixtures. The product is free from fillers and extenders and is produced under strict, quality-controlled conditions.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener must not be applied during rain or when rain is forecast, or temperatures are below or likely to fall below 6°C within a 24-hour period.
- Easy application.
- Streak free, non-fading.
- Denser, more durable surface.
- Improved abrasion resistance.
- Can be antiqued or acid stained.
- Light and brighter color applications.
The sub-base should be well drained and have adequate and uniform load bearing characteristics.
To reduce the likelihood of cracking, the sub-base must be graded to ensure an even thickness of concrete. At the time of concrete placement, the sub-base must be moist but have no standing water and should be well consolidated and frost-free.
If necessary, the sub-base should be dampened with water in advance of concreting, to avoid uneven suction and premature drying out of the underside of the slab.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener should be applied to the surface of the freshly placed concrete once any bleed water has disappeared and the floating process does not disrupt the level of the slab. Premature application may affect durability and require a higher dosage rate.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener must never be used to dry excess bleed water. Using the dry shake method, the material should be broadcast uniformly across the surface, normally in two applications. Two thirds of the material should be used in the first pass, with the final third being applied in the same manner but at 90 degrees to the first. Volume yield will depend on the color choice and the final use of the slab.
Lighter colors will require more material to be used and darker colors, less. It is recommended that the total number of m² being completed in each pour is calculated, and the correct number of pails placed equally around the slab in advance of application.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener has an average coverage rate 3.5 - 4.0 KG per m². Lighter colors may need more material to cover the darker color of the concrete.
These ratios are the minimum, requirement of the color hardener to increase impact and abrasion resistance. Heavy traffic or industrial areas should use a minimum of 5-6 KG per m².
Ressi Pigmented Hardener is packaged in convenient 20 KG moisture resistant bags.
Ressi Pigmented Hardener should be kept in a safe place. Shelf life is approximately 12 months.