Ressi Polymer

Ressi Polymer

Ressi Polymer is a concentrated, high solids latex bonding agent designed for use with Various cementitious Ressichem Decorative concrete products to increase their compressive strength and bond strength with the existing substrate. Ressi Polymer significantly increases the water resistance and natural strength of grouts in overlay systems and ensures adhesive bonds to existing concrete, masonry, wood or metal surfaces. Extremely flexible, it can be used as a bonding agent (primer) or mixed with cement and similar products. By mixing Ressi Polymer with cement paste, every water molecule is coated with a “film” which slows down evaporation thus enabling cement to get completely hydrated and for a longer period.

Product Description

Ressi Polymer

Ressi Polymer is a concentrated, high solids latex bonding agent designed for use with Various cementitious Ressichem Decorative concrete products to increase their compressive strength and bond strength with the existing substrate. Ressi Polymer significantly increases the water resistance and natural strength of grouts in overlay systems and ensures adhesive bonds to existing concrete, masonry, wood or metal surfaces. Extremely flexible, it can be used as a bonding agent (primer) or mixed with cement and similar products. By mixing Ressi Polymer with cement paste, every water molecule is coated with a “film” which slows down evaporation thus enabling cement to get completely hydrated and for a longer period.

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