Ressi Overlay is a single component (add water only) blend of white cement and special materials that forms a thin, concrete layer. Ressi Overlay is easy to install and forms a tough, durable topping that will withstand years of wear. When used on properly prepared surfaces, Ressi Overlay will permanently bond to concrete surfaces.
Ressi Overlay is a single component (add water only) blend of white cement and special materials that forms a thin, concrete layer. Ressi Overlay is easy to install and forms a tough, durable topping that will withstand years of wear. When used on properly prepared surfaces, Ressi Overlay will permanently bond to concrete surfaces.
Ressi Overlay is a single component (add water only) blend of white cement and special materials that forms a thin, concrete layer. Ressi Overlay is easy to install and forms a tough, durable topping that will withstand years of wear. When used on properly prepared surfaces, Ressi Overlay will permanently bond to concrete surfaces.
Easy to spread and work with.
Establishes a good bond with the existing concrete.
Can be applied up to 2 inches thick.
Resistant to surface shrinkage and micro cracking.
Can easily be colored using Ressi Non-reactive Stain.
Can easily be stained using Ressichem Range of stains.
The recommended surface for Ressi Overlay is a fully cured and a hardener concrete surface with sufficient compressive strength. Ressi Overlay should be placed only on clean, sound, fully cured concrete free from all sealers, dirt, oil, paint, moss, dust, and other contaminates. Repair all damaged and deteriorated concrete prior to the placement of Ressi Overlay. Cracks, holes, spalls, etc. should be filled, allow patching materials to fully cure prior to placement of Ressi Overlay. Control joints must be honored. If control joints are filled, they must be re-opened after application. If epoxy is used in cracks, contain the epoxy to the crack and broadcast silica sand in the epoxy to ensure proper bonding of Ressi Overlay. Additional relief cuts in repaired cracks can be completed after the application of the stamp Overlay. Any areas with contaminates such as hydraulic fluid, cutting oils or other materials prone to migration, they should be marked, degreased and shot-blasted until they turn white. Always pressure-wash or vacuum the surface to remove dust and debris left over from other surface preparation or repair procedures. Once the concrete surface has been prepared and cleaned, keep it clean throughout the duration of the project. Proper and complete substrate surface preparation is critical to the success of the project.
Temperatures for application should range from no less than 13 °C up to 35 °C. Substrate temperatures affect set times as well. Do not use in windy conditions. A test area is recommended to help determine set times. Once the surface has been prepared and profiled, a uniform surface is necessary for even application of the Ressi Overlay. The material is easily spreadable over a concrete surface after which standard decorative concrete practices can be used to finish the overlay surface. It is highly recommended to seal the surface using an appropriate sealer from the Ressichem range.
Grey Powder
Contains cement and selected aggregates along with additives to improve consistency, workability, and durability.
Maximum aggregate size
*Water Application
25% ± 5%
*Wet Mix Life
Approximately <01 Hours @ 20°C
*Compressive Strength 1
30 N / mm2 @ 28 Days (Tested as per BS EN 1015-11)
*Flexural Strength
7.5 N / mm2 @ 28Days (Tested as per BS EN 1015-12)
*Approximate Yield / Coverage
0.55m3 / T
*Typical results under laboratory conditions.
Once the surface is sealed protect the surface from foot traffic for 36 hours. Protect from vehicular traffic for 5 days following sealer application.
Expiration of Ressi Overlay is at 12 months after production date under dry and sheltered conditions.
Ressi Overlay is available in 50 KG bags.
Ressi Overlay is regarded as nonhazardous for transportation. Do not reuse bags or containers and dispose them off as per local rules and regulations. Gloves and suitable masks can be worn during application.