Ressi TA 250
Ressi TA 250 is a thin set waterproof tile adhesive designed for the fixing of thin glass and mosaic tiles at a bed thickness of 2mm and below. This tile adhesive is specially formulated for applications in wet areas where thin tiles to be applied. Ressi TA 250 is an extremely versatile and durable and a highly polymer modified tile adhesive for internal and external applications. Ressi TA 250 can easily be applied using the application spectrum as defined by BS EN 5385-1
Product Description
Ressi TA 250 is a thin set waterproof tile adhesive designed for the fixing of thin glass and mosaic tiles at a bed thickness of 2mm and below. This tile adhesive is specially formulated for applications in wet areas where thin tiles to be applied. Ressi TA 250 is an extremely versatile and durable and a highly polymer modified tile adhesive for internal and external applications. It can easily be applied using the application spectrum as defined by BS EN 5385-1
Ressi TA 250 is a thin set waterproof tile adhesive designed for the fixing of thin glass and mosaic tiles at a bed thickness of 2mm and below. This tile adhesive is specially formulated for applications in wet areas where thin tiles to be applied. Ressi TA 250 is an extremely versatile and durable and a highly polymer modified tile adhesive for internal and external applications. It can easily be applied using the application spectrum as defined by BS EN 5385-1
ADVANTAGES of Ressi TA 250
- Crack resistant.
- Non yellowing mortar.
- Dampness resistant.
- Longer open time.
- Salt free mix.
- Excellent workability.
- High bond strength.
- Slip resistant.
- Longer adjustment time.
- Waterproof.
All loose particles and oil shall be cleaned off the surface prior to the application. For hot climatic conditions, the surface may be dampened with potable water. Application on most type of cementitious surfaces like block work, concrete and rough plastered surfaces is possible, however for thin bed applications a leveled rough plastered surface is recommended. The surface should be sufficiently aged (At least 7 days for newly erected masonry surface and freshly plastered surface) before the installation of the tiling may begin.
It is also recommended that expansion joints should not be tiled over, and suitable treatment should be done over them. Highly absorbent surfaces should be dampened before spreading Ressi TA 250. Defective and unsound surfaces should be repaired before the installation of the tiles. It is also important to ensure that there is no dust at the backs of the tile, otherwise it may cause hollow sounds and improper adhesion of the tiles to the substrate.
It is important that water is premeasured in accordance with the amount of material used. The Mortar powder should be added over the water to avoid the settlement of the material at the bottom of the mixing container. The Mixing container should be uncontaminated, non-corrosive and clean. Only potable water should be used for mixing. It is also recommended that the material should be mechanically mixed with a mortar mixer or other mechanical mixing methods to obtain a consistent lump free mix.
Buttering of the material onto the back of the tiles is usually not recommended as it this may cause poor adhesion. Spread the material evenly onto the surface using a suitable straight edge trowel and then notch immediately. To ensure good bonding, it is recommended not to spread the material more than 1m2 at a time as the mortar may dry up resulting in poor adhesion and causing difficulties in application. After the application and levelling of the mortar, the tiles should be firmly knocked into the position. Adjustment of the tiles should be done at a maximum of 20 minutes after application.
Appearance | White Powder |
Composition | Contains cement and selected aggregates along with additives ti improve consistency, workability, and durability. |
Maximum aggregate size | 0.6mm |
*Water application | 25% ± 5% |
*Pull off strength | 1.25 N / mm2 @ 28 Days (Tested as per BE EN 1348) |
*Slip Test | Non-Slip as per BS EN 1308 |
*Open time | 20 Min (Tested as per BS EN |
*Water Retention | 99.4% |
*Approximate Yield / Coverage | 0.84m3/T |
*Typical Results under laboratory conditions
These results comply with BS EN 12004 Type C Class 2 T
Expiration of Ressi TA 250 is at 12 months after production date under dry and sheltered conditions.
Ressi TA 250 Plus is available in 20 KG Bags.
Ressi TA 250 is regarded as non-hazardous for transportation. Do not reuse bags or containers and dispose them off as per local rules and regulations. Gloves and suitable masks can be worn during application. Please refer to the MSDS of the product for further health and safety information.
Ressi TA 250 is only recommended for extremely thin applications, if the mortar bed size is exceeding 4mm notched, Other cementitious tile adhesives in the range of Ressichem should be used.