Whether you need to renovate an outdated floor or seal your concrete surface, an epoxy floor coating can transform your space while strengthening your floor surfaces.
Epoxy Flooring in Pakistan preserves concrete surfaces and protects our flooring from heavy shocks by adding safety and beauty to any high-traffic area, all with a glossy finish.
If your floor is uncoated and damages are exposed to it, epoxy can protect it from further damage and give you a level of a professional finish that it may lack.
But wait, before acquiring services for Epoxy Flooring in Pakistan, you need to see what type of epoxy flooring would fit best to your household or your office!
Not to worry about more browsing, this article is wholesome. We have covered everything you need to know about different types of epoxy flooring.
What is Epoxy?
Epoxy resin coating is that it is chemically different from conventional floor paints. Resin floors consist of a two-part epoxy system, a combination of polymeric resins and hardeners, similar to epoxy adhesives.
When mixed properly, the epoxy resin and hardener react together to create a chemical bond with each compound and the floor itself. This chemical bond is a rigid plastic material that is durable and resistant to degradation and adheres exceptionally well to its substrate.
What is Epoxy Flooring?

The simplest definition of epoxy resin floor suggests a floor surface consisting of several layers of epoxy applied to a floor with a depth of at least two millimeters. Confusion often arises when comparing an epoxy floor and an epoxy floor covering; the difference between the two lies in the depth of the epoxy.
Epoxy floors are classified as an epoxy coating that is at least two millimeters thick. Any epoxy floor that is less than two millimeters thick is commonly referred to as an epoxy floor covering.
10 Different Types of Epoxy Flooring
Commercial and industrial epoxy floor coating is becoming popular day by day to make surfaces decorative.
Several different types of epoxy flooring can be used on floors, including self-leveling, self-dispersing, mortar, etc. Each of these types of epoxy coatings offers distinct features compared to the other.
1. Self Dispersing Epoxy Flooring

The self-dispersing coat has anti-slip qualities. This type of coating is applicable in areas having a lot of forklift activity or heavy truck traffic because this flooring contains mechanical strength.
Enriched with quartz sand and the presence of liquid make this coating a flourishing consideration for most food processing plants, industries, or locations.
2. Self Leveling Epoxy Coating
Self-leveling epoxy floor coating is easy to install over old and new concrete floors, creating a seamless and smooth surface.
You can choose Self-leveling epoxy coating for office buildings, storage facilities, warehouses, kitchens, dining rooms, etc. On top of that, this coat is an ideal choice for an epoxy garage floor.
3. Mortar Epoxy Flooring
As mortar flooring is strong, you can install it in heavy industrial areas. This flooring can repair the cracks of other epoxy floors before laying different epoxy coatings.
4. Gravel Epoxy Coating

This type of epoxy coating is the most decorative choice. You can install it to add brand marks, decorative details, and even logotypes to the floor.
5. Terrazzo Epoxy Flooring
This type of coating is quite decorative and easy to clean. You can fix Terrazzo coatings in large areas such as entrances and hallways in schools, office buildings, and commercial buildings.
6. Antistatic Epoxy Coating
The antistatic coat is for static sensitive areas where electronic components are in permanent use, and having a static-free environment is vital for places like electronic manufacturing plants, hospitals, and laboratories.
7. Vapor Barrier Epoxy Flooring
Applying liquid vapor barrier epoxy on top of concrete floors to give an impenetrable surface can reduce vapor transmission to almost zero.
Before finalizing the flooring surfaces, such as hardwood floors, carpet, tile, and sheet vinyl, professionals use vapor barrier Epoxy Flooring in Pakistan.
8. 100% solids Epoxy Flooring

The most durable type of epoxy material is 100% solids Epoxy Flooring, which most professionals recommend. This coating will last around 20 years.
You can install it over heavy human traffic areas where surfaces need protection from possible abrasions, chemical reactions of chemical substances, and hot tire marks.
9. Water Based Epoxy Coating
Among different types of epoxy flooring, water-based epoxy is known for its primer and sealer qualities. This concrete epoxy goes perfectly over degreased areas, rendering a smooth and glossy surface.
It spreads thinly and does not possess the same resistance. It is 100% durable and user-friendly similar to other solid coatings.
You can use water-based epoxy as a protective shield against abrasions, chemical reactions, and stains.
10. Solvent Based Epoxy Flooring

As the name suggests, this type of coating uses solvents and works as a primer and sealer, similar to the water-based type.
Solvent-based epoxies contain solids that range from 30% to 70% to give your surface a thin layer. Because its nature is solvent-based flooring, it makes it a less favorable choice for noncompliant VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) regulations.
Is Epoxy Floor Coating Worth It?
Epoxy is easy to clean, durable and protects the concrete floor coatings of various types of floors. It is also a very economical flooring solution. If you are looking to renovate and preserve your garage or power plant floor, epoxy is worth it.
How Long Do Epoxy Concrete Floor Coatings Last?
Epoxy floors typically last 2-3 years in heavy traffic. Commercial areas with heavy daily traffic such as garages, restaurants, or factories can look forward to this experience. However, with proper care and maintenance, your epoxy floor can last up to 20 years.
Find the Epoxy Flooring in Pakistan for Your next renovation!
Whether you need flooring for food and agriculture business, industrial plant, manufacturing facility, healthcare facility, school or university, or other commercial industry, different types of epoxy flooring can satisfy your needs.
At Ressichem, we install perfect Epoxy Flooring in Pakistan for industrial, commercial, or food processing operations. Request a quote today!