Construction and Building Materials

Building Insulation

Ressichem building insulation materials help you save money on your energy bills.

Ressi PlastoRend 120 L is a dry premix cement-based plaster for internal/external application to provide thermal insulation of walls. It is an ideal substrate to receive subsequent coats such as… read more
Ressi Insufix 200 is an adhesive mortar for fixing expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation boards to cementitious substrates. Ressi Insufix is also used for the creation of reinforcing layers incorporating glass-fiber… read more
Ressi Foam Crete is a system of adding a foaming agent to ordinary Portland cement to increase volume and raising the floor level of the RCC slab. This system is… read more
Insulaster is the first of its kind to be locally manufactured within Pakistan. It is a ready to use plaster made of inorganic substances providing your house and buildings with… read more

Building Insulation

Building insulation materials form a thermal envelope of a building and resist heat flow. At Ressichem, we manufacture the finest insulation building products to help you conserve energy and save money on energy bills. We make dry premix cement-based plaster for internal/external application, adhesive mortar for fixing expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation boards, and ready-to-use plaster to provide your buildings with thermal, fire, and acoustic insulation. If you need any of these insulation materials for your buildings, contact us anytime.

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